First off, general advice. Stop it. I don't need more exercise ( I have only gained 12 lbs). I don't need to wait until I'm 41 weeks to be induced. Leave me alone. Don't tell me to enjoy my pregnancy. Believe me I am enjoying it as much as I can, but it is still the scariest time for me. I understand that I will worry once he is born. I understand he could die of lots of things later. But I have had children die in pregnancy. So pregnancy is the scary part for me right now. If he dies after that then I will be scared of that too, and thank you for letting me know all of the ways and chances there are of that happenening. Also statisctics are not my friend. I am one in 6000 with all of the issues I have... So 1 in 50 are not good ods for me and you are not making me feel better.
Also shut up with the weird comments. I will not only never speak to you again I will also never speak to your husband, sister, mother, and so on.
If I post a photo of a balloon that makes me think of my son that I lost over a year ago telling me.
"Wow it doesn't seem like that long ago. But i bet it feels like forever to you!"
Actually it doesn't it feels like yesterday. But thank you for your excitement? The situtation did not only not need your weird inappropriate comment but the exclamation point showing how excited you were to write it offends me. I don't care if others don't think its offensive. I think it is. Notice how no one commented after you? How no one liked your post but loved everyone elses?
Also telling me "I am happy that you are finally going to have a baby." is weird. I did not try for 5 years to finally fall pregnant. Especially when it is in the context of you telling me we are no longer friends and you will not be speaking to me anymore. Because I don't pay enough attention to you. I have been in bed for 8 months. 3 of them in the hospital. I have not driven a car in that entire time. What kind of attention were you expecting exactly.
Also telling me that I will neglect my baby because I spend my time online or watching movies is weird. I am ON BED REST! I have made 5 baby blankets, I have ordered everything the baby will need. Including enough diapers to last through his entire diapering life. I EVEN EFFING PAY YOUR BILLS FOR YOU SO THEY WONT BE LATE!!! WHICH YOU STILL OWE ME $300 FOR! Then when I argue , saying"I'm just letting you know what will happen." makes no sense either. Why the heck would I neglect him? I have been waiting and waiting for him. Worring about him non stop. I have a doppler so I can check on him! I HAVE TAKEN OVER 250 shots for him! Why would I ignore him once he is out. Also replying to me because I have a bouncer and a breat pump that i will never hold him... IS NOT A SANE ANSWER EITHER. I have to be able to put him somewhere. The breast pump (though I am glad I have it) was a gift!!!
I am so done with people. Just leave me alone I'll let you know when hes one. Assuming he even survives that long from all of the neglect and danger I will obviously be putting him in.
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